Terms and Definitions

Terms And Definitions
(In my own words).
  • RGB: The primary colors of lighting and the mostly used colors in led color changing lights when all Colors of the spectrum are made from RGB The light equals White. Red,Green, and Blue are normally coming from the source rather than from a Gel or filter.

  • RGB LED Diode: An light bulb that can produce 17.6 Million Colors and can be connected one by one with the ability to have each light bulb a different color using the same strip of lights or all the same. Each RGB LED Diode is like a pixel on a TV. 

  • Color Gel: A thin color filter that can be used in a variety of different ways in lighting to change color and add effects to a gobo/pattern. One effect is Split Gel. Thousands to choose from.

  • Par Can: A Parabolic Aluminized Reflector Lamp, is not automated, but most commonly used light in pro stage lighting. the basic parts are the yolk, tube, gel, gel frame, and Lamp or reflector and bulb. The lamp types are wide, medium, and narrow. the Wattage are par 36 50, 75, and 100 par 56 300 and 500 par 64 250, 500, 600, and 1000. The par can accessories are barndoor, Top hat, and Color Scroller.

  • Fresnel light: Using a Fresnel lens a Fresnel light can be focused to make a wide or a narrow beam. Without the Fresnel lens a Fresnel light would be a regular Par Can.

  • 3D Visualizer: A computer software that briefly displays your stage lighting and equipment so you can see where your lights are facing without halving to turn your lights on.



  • CMY: The Primary colors of Automated Lighting, CMY Starts at the lighter side of the spectrum and gos to the primary colors RGB. When all CMY colors are added the color equals Black.


  • Gobo: A shape or pattern that light travels thought to make an effect or design on a surface or person. The main use of gobos are in automated lighting and Ellipsoidals.

Split Gel: By using 2 or more gels you can make it appear that you are using more colors than you have. But by using an ellipsoidal you can separate the colors making it look like you have more than one light pointed at the same object. The one unfortunate thing about an ellipsoidal is that if you have a gel on the same light for to long you will eventually get a hole in the center but by using the effect Center Pool Split Gel you can put a color from another gel in the center so your Gobo will be another color than the background. so you don't need more than one light for a scene.

  • Ellipsoidal Reflector Spotlight: Used to direct light down a barrel using lenses, Allows light to be focused and the degree of light to be changed. Also has four Shutters For Cropping of light and one shutter slot for a template which can be fitted with a Gobo/Pattern. Some Ellipsoidals can be fitted with both metal and glass gobos. (My Altman 1 kls have a template for glass and metal gobos

  • Automated Luminaire: A Professional light that Incorporates one or more motors to Automatically move Via. DMX 512 Controller. Incorporates Pan, Tilt, Color, Gobo, and other Effects to make a show better.

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